Assessment procedure

The protocol used to test hearing is standardized and all Dispensers need to follow recognised procedures.

In my clinic the procedure is as follows:-

History to collect necessary information about hearing problems and any medical problems relating to ears and hearing. Situations where you are having increased difficulty are recorded and graded to be used in an Outcome Measurement. Medical problems are assessed to see if medical referral is appropriate.

Otoscopy to see if there are any problems in the ear canal and to the ear drum. Wax and debris can be removed. Referral for relevant medical opinion can be made.

Hearing Test to measure hearing thresholds. This is called Audiometry and involves playing different pitch sounds into each ear in turn and asking the client if they can hear it. This is done under controlled conditions to ensure the accuracy of the test results. Generally the client wears headphones to deliver the sounds and presses a button when they hear any sound, no matter have quiet it is. The results are plotted onto a chart called the Audiogram.

The Audiogram

A chart showing the quietest sounds the ear hears at each pitch (frequency) essential for hearing speech. Normal hearing results in a line drawn at the top of the audiogram. The greater the hearing loss, the further down the chart the line is drawn.

For a hearing assessment please call Dr Graham Day on on 07957 191 896