Hearing Loss

Hearing loss results when there is damaged somewhere in the hearing system. It can also be caused by a simple blockage in the external or middle ear. Hearing loss is usually described as either a conductive hearing loss or a sensori-neural hearing loss.

Conductive hearing loss

Results when the cause of the problem occurs in the external or middle ear. It is often correctable by surgery. The commonest examples are:

Wax in the external canal

Blockage in the Eustachian tube

Fluid in the middle ear

Glue ear

Eardrum perforation



Sensori-neural hearing loss

Results from damage to the internal ear or to the nerves and brain. This is the most common hearing loss and is generally permanent and un-operable. The commonest causes are:

Aging (presbyacusis)

Noise damage

Oxygen deprevation

Prescribed drugs and drug misuse

Changes to the acoustic nerve due to disease



You can call Dr Graham Day for a free hearing aid consultaion on 07957 191 896