Ear Wax Removal / Dewax

Dr Graham Day offers an ear wax removal service at request or if there is an immediate need in order to test hearing or fit a hearing aid.

Ear wax is formed by the cerumen glands in the ear canal. These are located just inside the entrance to the canal so that as the ear wax dries, it falls out of the ear. It is usual in most ears and has several functions; it is sticky and collects small particles which make the wax harden and fall out of the ear canal without assistance, it is bitter tasting and dissuades insects from entering the canal. Using hearing aids often pushes the wax further down the canal, making it difficult to fall out naturally . Ear wax removal is then required.

Cotton buds should not be used in the ears as they push ear wax further down the ear, making it difficult to fall out naturally.

There is a small fee to removal wax at request.

Contact Dr Graham Day on 07957 191896 0r email grahamallenday@yahoo.co.uk