Hearing Aid Choices

The choices are: size, technology, manufacturer, price, dispenser.

Price governs the choice of technology but there is very little difference in the cost of similar technology between manufacturers.

Most manufacturers produce a range of hearing aids which are either ‘entry level’, ‘advanced-range’ or ‘premium range’. As with most highly technological products the manufacturers design the premium product and then take away certain features to make it ‘entry level’ or ‘advanced range’, enabling to sell at a lower price range.

The Dispenser is often more familiar with one or two manufacturers and will be best able to fit their hearing aid products. The hearing aid is programmed using the manufacturers recommended settings, mainly based on your specific hearing loss. The most important part of hearing aid fitting involves the Dispenser, who modifies these settings to make it suitable to an individual and their life-style (fine-tuning). The success of the hearing aid fitting is therefore most reliant on the ability of the Dispenser.

There is always a ‘trade-off’ when choosing a hearing aid:-

Your ear shape governs the size of hearing aid that can be fitted. Size of hearing aids often affect the level of technology available, so you can not have dual microphones or Bluetooth in a smaller aid. Size certainly affects the available power or amplification and small aids may not be suitable for individuals with poorer hearing levels. Size is also responsible for how discrete or ‘invisible’ a hearing aid appears. Behind the ear instruments can accommodate all the new technology.

Technology is always developing and new applications are available every year. Unfortunately hearing aids can not be up-graded and so a new device needs to be purchased. Keeping up with advances in technology will be expensive.



You can call Dr Graham Day for a free hearing aid consultaion on 07957 191 896